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2022 Winter Kinder Kids
Winter Fun!!!

Or is that Winter Chaos!!!!
Normally we breed for early November kids to keep us in milk through the winter. Spring turned into summer in 2021 before we got the girls bred so kids this year were Dec/Jan babies. All has turned out great, but hopefully this year will be back to normal :)
SOV Elka x PPF Perry - Kidded Dec 9, 2021

Bayve - doeling (front). Available
Corbin - buckling (rear) Available
Madra - doeling Retained

Corbin showing off all that muscle :)
Elka kidded unassisted on Dec 9, 2021 giving us 2 beautiful doelings and a big handsome buck. These guys are always on the move and growing great. All three are available and we'd really like to see Corbin, the buckling, find a herd of his own. He is one of the finest buckling's we've had with great confirmation and muscling as well as an impressive bloodline including Pricker Patch Farm and Serena Kinders genetics.
OAB Aine x Maggidans Kama Kazi - Kidded Jan 2, 2022

Finola - doeling Available
Curren - buckling Retained
Aine kidded a doeling and a buckling unassisted on January 2, 2022. We were ecstatic as she had lost triplets last spring for no apparent reason. She is an awesome mom and her 2nd generation kids are friendly, sturdy and always on the go. If you are looking to add fresh genetics to your herd either of these 2 will fit the bill. And oh the colors on that Finola right down to her black and white toes :0
TVK Goldie x PPF Perry - Kidded January 5, 2022

Goldie and Perry never failed to produce amazing kids! These 3 are no exception :) Two very handsome bucklings and a beautiful doeling who is the spitting image of her mom. Goldie delivered these 3 unassisted and has had no issue feeding all 3 and getting up on the milking stand everyday.
Freya - doeling Available

Finley - buckling Retained

Mac Perry - buckling Retained
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